Sea of Kakera

without love it cannot be seen

an independent, private, selective   multimuse writing blog for WTC characters.  . all my muses are multiverse and multiship. please read guidelines before following.

template by poohsources


01.     This is a private & selective roleplay multimuse blog from umineko visual novel. please read these rules before following me.02.     there will be major spoilers for when they cry series.03.     there will be dead doves themes so beware before interacting. meaning i will not write with minors or blogs that don't have their age listed. such themes reference ww2, torture, psychological horror, sadomasochism, unreality, manipulation, suicide/death, and generally a lot of violence/gore. they will be tagged accordingly to blacklist.
this will be an explicit disclaimer that most of my muses don't follow human morality, and can be rather fickle.

04.     smut roleplays will be selective as i focus heavily on storylines & character developments.05.     multiverse & crossover friendly. oc friendly as well.06.     i am mutuals only for comfort sake, however, open to new people too to cook up compelling storylines.
i do have icons, but otherwise, i prefer to let my writings carry through the threads.
my activity is on-and-off due to real-life/general tiredness, discord is reserved for friends.
i do not engage in drama or callouts unless the person being called out is actively harmful to others. feel free to give me a heads up if i interact with someone questionable, but it's up to my choice if i choose to associate with them or not.


H A C H I J O   T O H Y A
      Umineko, open, active
Tohya is an eccentric and anti-social individual who looks down on people who claim to understand the books she reads. She speaks in a condescending tone and refers to others as "child of man."
She is the avatar of Featherine, but in reality, also an independent individual with a mysterious aura to her, leaving her past & background shrouded in mystery. Who is she really. . . ?
.                                                                                                           .F E A T H E R I N E  A U G U S T U S  A U R O R A
      Umineko, highly selective, active
The majestic & terrible Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating. She is deemed a legendary monster even among witches in the Meta World due to the games she created as a Game Master. But those long forgotten by time with only the medals she wears as proof of those memories. Featherine died when she ascended from a Voyager Witch to a Creator Witch, reaching the final domain of the gods. However, with the help of her miko Bernkastel she returns from the realm as the only known Witch surviving such ascension & current leader of the Senate in City of Books.
The horned object floating around her head serves as a memory device. It records her appearance, name, and other aspects of her personality to maintain her individuality. Without it, she physically & mentally regressed into a young girl. She often speaks in an elegant, condescending manner to those below her while referring to humans as Child of Man.
She only refers to them by their actual names if they're entertaining to her. It can't be helped due to the illness known as boredom plagued the Great Witch, reading stories is what keeps her alive.
.                                                                                                           .L A M B D A D E L T A  
      fandom, selectivity, status
The Witch of Certainty who has lived for a thousand years. She embodies the idea that "hard workers are rewarded" and is highly respected even by humans.
Though she is a witch, she does not stray far from the concepts of humans. For that reason, her power as one worshiped by humans is incalculable.
However, she is fickle about whose efforts she chooses to reward, and in many cases, she bestows her favor upon those who can please her the most. Her massive, swift, and terrifying power can cause any witch to submit in an instant. However, she is often reckless, and Bernkastel was able to take full advantage of that.

A N G E   U S H I R O M I Y A
      fandom, selectivity, status
Before the Rokkenjima incident, Ange was like any regular young girl; cheerful and upbeat who loves her family, especially her older brother Battler despite not seeing each other so often. She also hates being alone.
After the events on Rokkenjima with Eva the only supposed survivor and the rest of her family dead, Ange's personality changed. Due to the hardship she had been put through from the loneliness she suffered and the pressure of being the next head, as well as being manipulated by Bernkastel into rejecting Eva as a surrogate mother, Ange lost her smile, developing her cold, calm, and cynical personality.
As a young woman, Ange can also be sarcastic at times and like her brother, she has a habit of saying, "It's useless, it's all useless" during difficult situations. Despite her cold and calm front, she would sometimes be emotional, especially during the EP 7 Tea Party when she broke down after Bernkastel shows her the truth of the Rokkenjima Massacre. It can also be noted that deep down, because of her grief, she became bitter and lonely, resulting in Ange wanting to find the truth. It is also what clouded her memories on the happy moments she had with her family.
.                                                                                                           .  B E A T R I C E
      fandom, selectivity, status
On the front, Beatrice is a very cruel and sadistic person, who loves to torture and kill people just for the sake of fun, a being so terrifying that even in the Meta-World she is feared from heavens to hell as one of the cruelest witches ever. She is at times very composed and majestic, and at other times very disgraceful and insightful with a creepy laughter and a demonic smile.
However, as the saga goes on, more sides of her character are revealed. She proves to have a very joyful attitude and quite a childish side. She is in fact described by her teacher as a naive child who loves to play with toys without the fear to break them and also with a power so big that she hardly realizes she can handle. She shows this side primarily with Virgilia and Ronove which have a very parent-like attitude with her and less with Battler which she'd feel embarrassed with to act so. Quite common is, in fact, to see her sobbing on Virgilia's chest when things don't go her way.
Beatrice has a great fear of spiderwebs due to how it is one of her weaknesses told in the legend of Beatrice.
.                                                                                                           .S A Y O  Y A S U D A
      fandom, selectivity, status
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mains & exclusives

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character name
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